Thursday, April 18, 2013

One of the reason's why I smoke...

     There are many reasons why I love smoking my pipes.  From the tobacco, to the pipes, to the craftsmanship, to connecting to something that is timeless. I could go on and on about the reasons I love the briar and all that's connected to it.  But to be truly honest, the number one reason I smoke my pipes is because it saved my sanity!!
     My sanity is in constant jeopardy. At Casa de Lancaster, we have two sons, an 18 year old and a 13 year old along with a beautiful 4 year old daughter and my sister who is 34 and has Downs Syndrome.  As if this wasn't enough, we took in a 24 year old kid.  Yes, that's right, 7 people all living under one roof.  It truly is the house of chaos!
    Since the birth of my second child, I have had to deal with anxiety issues.  There was a time that I was medicated.  One night we had to rush the youngest to the to the ER, which just set off my anxiety even more.  I hate the feeling of having to rely on medication but at that moment I had no choice.  Being medicated made me feel as if there was something horribly wrong with me.  Lucky for me my husband stumbled into the magical world of the briar. 
     After several months of watching my husband find relaxation and a calming influence by the simple ritual of putting flame to bowl I decided to try it for myself first hand.  As time passed Mike and I developed a daily routine of selecting our nightly pipes and blends of tobaccos.  Before we begin smoking we arrange our pipes to take pictures of what we are enjoying that evening to post to all of our friends around the world. As the beautiful white smoke rolls up from the briar we allow ourselves to relax and enjoy time for ourselves discussing what may have happened throughout the day.
     I light my pipe and I can instantly feel the anxiety and stress of the day floating away with the smoke from my briar friend.  When the end of my bowl arrives I find that I am soothed, in a peaceful state of mind and wishing my bowl was endless.
     With time I grew as a pipe smoker and my appreciation of the leaf heightened.  I realized that I had not been taking my anxiety medication.  An awareness was born in me that when I am smoking my pipes I find true tranquility.  Even when I am not smoking I have found that the anxiety that existed within me still is not half as bad as it once was.
     I would like to bear my testimony that the world of briar and tobacco is a godsend in my life!