We must warn you! This could happen to you!! Without warning, almost over night, you find yourself addicted to Briar. You don't know how it happened? There you were, owning just a couple of pipes, and have the few necessities, a czech tool, some pipe cleaners and maybe a cheap lighter...
And then it HAPPENS!!! What was an innocent escape is now a full fledged hobby. You find that you are ending up at your Brick and Mortar store for one ounce of tobacco, out of the corner of your eye you see "Her"!! Polished, shiny and new, "She" calls to you. You know that there is nothing practical about entertaining this thought, and then it sets in. You ask to see this pipe, you just want to hold "Her" for just a second. "She" is just So different then all the rest of the pipes at home. You are thinking to yourself how to justify the purchase of one more pipe. Your saying to yourself, no more going out to lunch this week or I can pay this bill a little late. Now you leave the store with a new pipe and an ounce of your favorite tobacco. Now comes the hardest part, hiding your new pipe from the eyes of your spouse. And this is how it begins.
The addiction was evolving into every aspect of our lives, we got a new cat, the first names that came to mind for the feline?? Dunhill, Nording and Ascorti, but the one that stuck was Savinelli. We haven't bought furniture for the house in 3 years. Then we noticed that there was no more room for our pipes in the one small case that we had. We respect them and love them like we love our children.we couldn't imagine setting our pipes on top of each other or hiding them in a drawer. So we had to buy them a new home. Our collection, to be perfectly honest was out of control. Two years of collecting and a 130 pipes later we had to buy them another home. So we found a beautiful, dark wood glass case. And now the factory are together and the Indies have a new home. '
We thought that this hobby was so innocent and now it has turned into a beast. Then we realized that we are truly obsessed. At first it was just pipes, but that lead us down a one way street. Now we needed pipe stands, and tampers. There was carrying cases and tobacco jars. Then to the world of lighters. It couldn't just be any lighter.It had to be one of the best.. Which lead us to the Cadillac of pipe lighters that is im Corona old boy lighters.
The other part of the addiction is pipe tobacco. Where do we begin? We started out in bulk tobacco, an ounce here and an ounce there. Trying to find what we liked. After we found out what we liked, instead of an ounce, it would be two or three. Then we noticed the tins of tobacco. At first it was one here and one there. We thought we were safe until.... cellering was explained to us. We were in deep. Buying four or five tins at a time. The addiction was getting worst. Now we were buying snuff tobacco. We promised ourselves that we would not get into cigars but that went down the toilet. We started off with one small humidor, that didn't work out. We got another humidor as a wonderful gift, it was 3 times the size of the first one. We filled that up with in a month. The next solution to our cigar problem was to buy another humidor even bigger then the last.
Our a Achilles heel to all of our tobacco obsession is that our best friends own the only brick and mortar store in town. That has lead to our downfall. They call us and send us pictures of new pipes and new tins. Sometimes we even get the family discount. That is how we justify buying even more. After all we are their best customers, we are in deep. Now there should be a P.A. (Pipes Anonymous) for people like us.
Knowing the pipe community has shown us that we are not the only ones with this addiction. But there is no cure. We are taking it one paycheck at a time. We decided to come out to let others know that they are not alone. We are here for support. Lets be honest, briar addiction is the best. Our brothers and sisters out there I am sure will agree. And if we all have to be addicted to something, we should thank the pipe Gods its Briar!!